Food Recipes

Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe

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Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe

Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe! This recipe was so delicious. Like I would always say,try it out. You will thank me later.

How are you all doing today? Trust you are very well, dishing out those super delicacies?

Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe was actually the frying method of preparing egusi soup.

We also have the boiling method, check the recipe here which was flavored with bitter leaves.

This Egusi Soup Recipe clearly seen here was flavoured with ugu and uziza leaves which gave this recipe a super unique taste and flavour.

This soup can also be flavoured with other leafy vegetable such as ukazi, garden egg leaves, green amaranth and so many others.

Egusi soup is Nigerians favorite.This is one soup I know every tribe in Nigeria claim to be their native soup.

I asked a question in group about the original owners of Egusi soup, I was amazed that, all the tribes represented claimed it as theirs, lol!

Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe is a Nigerian soup loved by everyone. It is flavoured with uziza, ugu leaves and prepared using the fried method .

You can also add other leafy vegetables like bitter leaves or any other of choice.

Egusi is a thickner and can also be supplemented with other thickners such as achi, ofo and ero usu which are optional.

Ukazi soup, bitter leaf soup, garden egg leaves soup is also added the thickeners listed above.

The procedure is not really cumbersome, once you’ ve grounded your Egusi, shred your vegetables, cooking starts.

To Prepare Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-fried Egusi Soup Recipe


  • 11/2 Egusi ( ground)
  • 1 small locust beans (ground)
  • 500g cow meat
  • 12 medium cow skin cuts
  • 1 sizeable smoked fish
  • 3 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • 1 medium onion
  • 3 stock cubes
  • 3 cooking spoons palm oil
  • Fresh pepper as desired
  • Salt to taste
  • Water for cooking
  • Little shredded ugu and uziza leaves


  1.  Wash meat thoroughly with salt water and set aside.
  2.  Also wash the smoked fish with salt water and debone properly
  3. Scrape the in and out of the cowskin , wash, cut and set aside
  4. Peel,wash and dice onions and blend pepper
  5. Pick, wash and shred the vegeatables

Cooking Procedure

  1. Season the meat with onion, stock cube, and salt. Add little water, leave to cook for 5 minutes
  2. Add the cow skin, smoked fish, leave to cook for another 7 minutes.
  3. Add pepper,ground crayfish, and stir.
  4. Put palm oil in a dry frying pan, heat, add the diced onions, stir for 2 minutes, add the ground egusi and dawa-dawa/locust beans mix, stir-fry on a low heat till it looks crumby.
  5. Add more water to the meat fish content, leave to boil, then add the stir-fried egusi mix ,leave to boil for another 7-10 minutes.
  6. Add stock cube, salt, stir, add little water depending on the thickness you want, once it starts boiling, add the vegetables and leave to boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat.

It’s ready! Enjoy with any swallow of choice.

Watch video below on how to make ugu uziza stir-fried egusi soup recipe.

Please share this recipe. Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Have a fulfilled weekend!

See you in my next post.




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6 thoughts on “Ugu Uziza Leaves Stir-Fried Egusi Soup Recipe

  • Omidantomi

    This soup goes best with pounded yam

    • Adasrecipes

      Yes dear.It depends on choice.Thanks Omidantomi.

  • Loveth Njionye

    Nice one

    • Adasrecipes

      Thanks Loveth.

  • Victoria Ifeanyi

    I love it so much

    • Adasrecipes

      Thanks Victoria


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