Food RecipesSnacks Recipes

Nigerian Popcorn Recipe It’s Homemade and tasty

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Nigerian Popcorn Recipe! It’s tasty!

Hello beauties, I know you are so excited about this super recipe!

How are you doing today? Hope good?

Before I continue, let me sing my kids popcorn song.?

The song is sang whenever they are enjoying popcorn

Here’s the song;

Popcorn is really nice

Fun to make and fun to eat

Popcorn is a popcorn everybody

Have chosen to eat

And it’s really a kind of treat….

Pop pop pop popcorn!

And it goes on and on lol!

This is to tell you how excited and how much children love popcorn.

Adults like me are not exempted! Lol! I love popcorn.

I remembered those good old days in the university.

There was a woman that sold very tasty and crunchy popcorn, I never stopped buying till I graduated.

There was a unique flavour her popcorn had and I knew twas from the type of margarine she used.

The secret to a tasty Nigerian popcorn recipe is the type margarine you use.

I recommend topper or blue band margarine, they have super flavour, that will make you never get bored eating popcorn.

This tasty homemade Nigerian popcorn recipe was made without a popcorn maker.

Yes, you can enjoy a tasty popcorn using your pot.

My popcorn was wow compared to the popcorn you get in some eateries, which is on the high side.

Nigerian popcorn recipe is a snack loved and enjoyed by Nigerians including children and adults.

It’s usually crunchy, tasty and sold in the streets, eateries and the likes.

The specie of corn used for making popcorn is yellow and smaller compared to the popular corn used in making pap, corn moi moi, corn and ukwa.

Popcorn is very easy to make and within few minutes, you’re done.

To Make Tasty Homemade Nigerian Popcorn Recipe


  • 3 handfuls corn used for popcorn
  • 1 heaped tablespoon margarine
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar or to taste


  1. Thoroughly remove stones and other particles from the corn and set aside.
  2. Melt the margarine in an empty dry pot on low heat.
  3. Add sugar, stir.
  4. Add the popcorn corn and continue stir, as soon as it starts popping, cover the pot and leave to completely pop.
  5. It’s done when you no longer hear the popping sound.

Simple! Ready! Enjoy!

Nigerian Popcorn Recipe

Share this post, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this recipe.

Watch the practical video below on how to make tasty homemade Nigerian popcorn recipe.

See you in my next post!


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30 thoughts on “Nigerian Popcorn Recipe It’s Homemade and tasty

  • agullaheudorah

    thanks alot. I must do this cz I so much like popcorn.

    • Adasrecipes

      Thanks Eudorah.

    • No if You add enough margarine and apply low heat.Thanks for stopping by Blessing.

  • Josephine Musa Marcus

    please the corn I’ll use is it regular corn from the cob or there is a particular corn I’ll use.

    • Not the regular corn.There’s a specie of corn for popcorn which is smaller.You can get it from people that sells the regular corn.

  • Grace Christian Joseph

    Hello Ada,, season greetings. Interesting popcorn song your kids have. Any way I just wanted to know how to get the popcorn kernels, since it’s different the pap etc once. Please where can I find the popcorn kernels to buy?

    • Thanks and same to you dear. You can get it from people that also sell the corn used for making pap.

  • This is lovely. Thanks alot! I must make it before this month ends. MORE GRACE TO YOU!

  • Neetah Ibekwe

    Where can i get the corn seeds, and what is the name u call it maybe if you want to buy it????

    • People that sell grains like wheat,rice etc. Tell them to give you corn for popcorn

  • Chidimma

    I enjoy your kid song.
    Pls between vegetable oil and magarine which is best for sweet popcorn for sale

  • Good day ma …I just started the popcorn business but am having difficulties some time e got burn and am using the local corn cud the normal corn I do use before is not available in the market so am using the local one …so ma what will I do to stop it from burning..

    • Try turning by moving the pot in an upward direction at very close intervals say 1 minute interval on low heat.

  • Akowe Josephine

    What other flavors can I add to make my popcorn exceptional and tastier

  • Good evening ma,came across your page and i love it. keep it up
    please is it necessary to use flavour for the pop corn and which one is the best?
    Thank you and God bless.


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